Tuesday, November 29, 2011

End of November

Oh dear it seems that the month has come and gone without me posting any kind of an update. Silly. It has been..well I can't even say busy becuase I wasn't, until Thanksgiving came around. For the past three weeks I've been working all mornings, so I could have posted in the afternoon. BUT my desk top has been infected with a number of viruses and whatnot.

I know nothing about computers. Took a course on them in high school....it was was joke, to make a long story short I was the only girl, well the only girl who brushed her hair. Automatic A+. I learned nothing, made some good friends.

I have not been working on costumes this month. No money. I am going on vacation tomorrow for a week. The family and I are heading to Disney tomorrow tonight. Driving down, awesome. I've driven down to the wonderful state of Florida before a 24 hour trip to Orlando for Celebration V last year. We were in a van with nine people (plus costumes) in August. Flippin' HOT  insane to say the least and I stated than that we would never do that again.

Funny how I HAD to say that. Here we go again, tho I've never been to disney before all my co-workers are saying that I'm going to love it. To see all the christmas lights up for the holidays. I will be excited when I'm sitting at the nearest bar with a cocktail in my hand. (I would have put - in the hotel sitting in the hot tub with a cocktail in hand but I don't think drinks are allowed in the pool area).

Happy Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas everyone. I'll post pictures from our trip when I get back.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Welcome November

Today is the start of a new month, November can not wait for Thanksgiving and some more snow. The holiday season is coming and this is the time of year that I love working in a market, all the people and all the cheer. Okay maybe not the cheer BUT it does mean that we will be making a ton a money and more hours for the workers. Can not wait for those big pay checks to come in.

Halloween was fun this year, much better then last year. I didn't hand out candy this year though, I did purchase candy. Kept it for myself and J. Whatever we don't have that many children in the area anyway. I did however go to work dressed as Harley Quinn, we were having a costume contest and the grand prize is $10 bucks. Awesome right?

I'm loving' this cold weather wearing my peacoat out and about, love it. Tho on Halloween it did snow which was wicked odd and kinda ruined halloween for some people. But thats okay we still had our little party at a friend's house and I went to my friend's work at a local mall to hand out candy to the little kids... I shouldn't use the term 'little' becuase must of the kids were not little they were teenagers... god awful teenager mall rats. YIKES!

Catwoman (my friend) and I after we run out of $70 worth of candy.
At the small halloween party I worn Enchantress Amora which turned out really well. Don't ask why the BoonDock Saints are shooting me in the head or why I'm shooting them in the head. It was a fun night and I'm glad I bought my camera with me that night.

Kinda wished that I took a full body shot of Amora but I'm sure there will be time later and maybe not outside at 2AM in the morning with no jacket on. It was SO COLD!!

It was a pretty good Halloween and I hope that I won the contest at work.! Fingers Crossed!

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Halloween 2011

I've failed. I will not have finished Anya and she will not be finished for awhile. You see I've run out of money to fund this costume and no I did not budget anymore for this month. So you'll all have to keep on reading because I'm gonna tell you about why I didn't even have time to work on Anya.

You see, last Saturday J and I went to a wedding, J's cousin Rachel was married on October 22nd, 2011 in Narragansett, RI. It was beautiful!

J and I
I had never been inside the Towers before, it was amazing! The food! YUM!

OKAY so we should get back to the costumes becuase will it is October and Halloween is tomorrow.  This halloween I wil be going as Harley Quinn from batman, now we have no parties or anything to do tomorrow. But I do have a costume contest at work tomorrow so I will be driving up to the market as Harley and then goin' to a mall, where my firend is working she's going as Catwoman so I want photos!  I've made my mind up on having a costume party next month, I really want to have a costume party... or go to a costume party. BADLY!!

I still need to take some photos of the COG armor before I update anything. But I'd say that I'm 45% done.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

COG Armor

Halloween is coming up fast and this month I told myself, 'listen! your not gonna spend crazy amounts of money this month! okay?' So I'm being a very good girl and only spending my cash (thats right no more credit cards for me) of gas (for the car) and food shopping (which I do a lot of because I love to eat).

I do have a costume list that I need to start punching a dent into, so I've been going through all the materials I have in the apartment and I'm only using those materials! We had about four sheets of the EVA foam, floor mats that a friend of ours was using to make Gears of War COG armor. Well needless to say it was left at the house.

And my rule of thumb is, if its left in my house for more than two hours and I want it, its mine!

Oh don't try and reason with me. >:D

Plus with the new Gears 3 JUST came out and I love the character Anya! Mainly becuase she is the only blonde! But in this game you can fight as her which is really exciting! Which leads me to the title of this post. I started making my own COG armor which will be Anya Stroud!

This was the beginning and I was just doing test runs, I've never used this EVA foam before but I do have to say I kinda like it!
Here it is now! With thinner sheets of the same EVA foam on it only black. Now keep in mind that this isn't weathered, isn't sealed, isn't finished yet. and no the yellow isn't going to be staying that bright! I will tone it down abit.

I wanted to start the back piece and so I spent about two hours looking for photos and even started to play the game again just to see the details on the back plate... Only to get side tracked and I started on the knees instead. Mainly becuase I have a friend who was downloading the templates for those HUGE boots, but than looking at a photo Anya's boots are different then Braid's so are her knees. So I started small and then I'll work my way up.

Though I may need to go purchase some more super glue and model magic for the belt...

Yes those are pins! I found that was the best way to start the rough draft and what was cool was that when I started to glue I would put the pin back to hold everything together. The pin didn't get stuck in the glue or foam. Which was great! Meant I didn't have to sit there and hold the pieces together.

Its getting there, slowly. I'm hoping to have it done for someone's halloween bash!  

Monday, October 3, 2011

Providence Street Painting Festival 2011

I've known about the Providence Street Paniting Festival for some years now but never gone to one. Always wanted to, but never did. Until this year, a friend of mine Livy entered and was drawing in a 8x8 square. Insane! So on Sunday around noonish we headed down to vist Livy and to help her if needed.

This is what we walked up to. RIGHT? Amazing.

Livy working with the help of her two younger cousins.
The cousins putting me to work!! :D

Sadly it did start to rain that afternoon and with the fear of losing all the hard work the judges moved up the judging to 3pm instead of 5pm. All hands on deck at that point!!

Can you tell what it is? :)
The finishing touches right at 3pm. The rain finally stopped and the sky cleared up.

After all the hard work Livy pulled it off with abit of help!

This was the best photo of the day! Livy your an amazing artist and I'm proud to say that I helped you! All and all  the BEST day ever... well minus me being sick.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Another curse on you!!

"Another curse on you! May all your bacon burn!" - Calicfer (Howl's Moving Castle)

I'm wicked sick, huge shock right? But I was a good girl I finished my last day of work yesterday even got out early because I finished all my work. Then I had to go to the bank and get my ATM card fixed... for those who dont know, its never a good idea to peel the plastic covering off of ANY card like that. Foolish really. But lesson learned. After I was done at the bank I headed to my mum's house to vist the family even tho I was sick and it felt it I was dieing.... Spent about little more then an hour there. Made my way home and the moment I got home I went to bed! Took a four hour nap, got up tried to eat something which didn't happen, made my way to the living room created alittle nest of pillows and blankets. I watched Howl's Moving Castle, Tangled and Planet Earth until I fell back asleep. Today tho the Firaxan Clan did have an event to go to....which I told Justin to message the woman in charge of the event and let her know that we will not be making it... did he do it? Nope. I woke to one of our friends at the event wondering where we were. Wonderful, now we look like jerks... Thanks Justin. :(

Anyway I got a letter in the mail from my brother, Chuck who is Afganistan. Love reading his letters! They are always well first off hard to read because he has the hand writing of our father (god awful) and he writes things that he wouldn't normally say when having a conversation with him. Which I think is cute. He writes with his heart!

This is a photo of my family before he left. <3 Love my big brother!

I havn't been doing a ton of costuming work mainly because I've been working non-stop for the past two weeks at the Market. But I do have some little updates.

These are some new arm guards for my mando, to go under my shoulder bells. To give it more of the legacy feel to it.

The firaxan clan is also selling clan T-shirts right now and we designed these like over a year ago and I'm not sure if its the best. Well I know its not the 'best' and I think we can do better. So I've been kinda sketchin' out some ideas trying to think of a neat design for the clan. But the Firaxan Shark is just sure an odd creature to draw!

See!? Strange right?

Well I guess that is all I have to tell you right now... SO heres a cute picture of my cat GUEN.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Enchantress Work

Today marked the second full work week for me at the market and boy am I feelin' it now. Plus it doesn't help when I have a very sick boyfriend at home to take care of, so next week probably I will be JUST as sick. Can't wait!

Slowly I've been working on mutilpe costumes at a time it makes the time of waiting for items or cash for supplies to come in easier. Kinda. But right now I've been aimin' to get my Enchantress Amora (from THOR) done for Halloween. In hopes for winning the market's costume contest at work! I took first place last year with my mandalorian costume.

This is what I call my 'porn star' wig. Because back in the day with wig of all curls and full. Now three years later its not so full of life. But ever a good work through it looks pretty good. Still waiting on a few things to come in the mail to finish this costume. But for now this is the teaser shot!

"I will be his queen one day...Thor thy Love."

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Jedi Jedi

So once upon a time I had this awesome Jedi costume.... Left it on the floor after an event and our cat (Guen) went to the bathroom on it. The smell of cat urine NEVER GOES AWAY! There for I had to throw away the whole oufit including the belt I custom made. Month later I finally get some time to remake the costume, not the same colors but whatever, it was fabric that I had laying about the craft room.

The only reason I blocked out my face...well no one was home and I didn't know if I was far enough back for the photo so I'm making a REALLY  strange face. hahahhahaa. Still need some work. I'm thinking about adding one more outer robe to it. Plus the NEW belt that I made was kinda fallin' apart and I was just standing still.

It looks great on the dress form tho. Oh yeah I need to get a lightsaber...the one I had wasn't really mine in the first place. I was holding it hostage from a friend who never PAID ME for a costume. grrr. The costume wasn't worth a $150 FX lightsaber buuuut it was the principle.

So this is the beginning of my Enchantress Amora costume. I havn't seen THOR yet buut I have been watching and reading the Avengers comic/cartoon shows. SUPER EXCITED! I really want to get this done for Halloween so I can wear it to work and winner the costume contest for the second time in a row! Muahahahaa!!

There is more I want to post up buuut I have no photos of my other project ready to go...yet soon but not yet.  So instead I'll leave you all with a CUTE picture of my puppy, THE GREAT POM!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Tangled - Disney

Since Tangled first came out I wanted to do a Rapunzel costume! SO BADLY! Finally I got my friend Alex to do Mother Gothical to my Rapunzel! Our plan was for ConnectiCon 2011 to have the costumes finish and by the the grace of all that is holy we did it! Now my Rapunzel outfit is a first draft, I do plan on re-doing the top half and doing more hand sewing to the bottom of the skirt pattern.

So here are some photos of what I had done, also keep in mind I kinda ran out of time to do a test fitting before the convention so I was really wingin' it. Everything was made by me. Which I'm kinda proud of its been a long time since I made something from start to finish.

As you can see not really a good fit on the top BUT I will made another and it will be prefect!!!! Oh and another time that wig was the second wig that I purchased for this costume.... because the first one wasn't long enough and it had a straw like color to it. That just goes to show one can never be to sure about Ebay, don't get me wrong I LOVE EBAY... buut sometimes it sucks.

I think once I finish upgrading this costume, I will make another Rapunzel costume... maybe not based on the movie but more the fairy tale. And work on making the wig longer and thicker.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Kobe 'Yukon' Beef

I've never had to take care of a puppy by myself, I've also never lived on my own before. BUT it has been one year since I moved out of my parent's house on September 19th, tomorrow. It doens't feel like a year, time has been moving so fast ever since high school ended. Jeez and that was in 2007.

My cousin Jaime turned 10 today.. so strange I remember when he was born. Life has flown by and that is why we must make the best of ever day that we have! Its hard to get through seeing the family of late... we always end up talking about chuck and kevin. Kevin's Cause was yesterday at the World Wide indoor soccor field in North Smithfield. It had a great turn out. We went in costume for the Mercs. Got attacked by small children. It was a great day.

Cleaned the whole apartment today, scrubbed the floors Kobe always makes a mess. I did a ton of clean on my vacation and got a bunch of work done of my costumes. Upgraded my mando just about done on the Jedi which I'll never need to take new photos to send in. Working on the belt just need velcro. I'm also working on an Enchantress - Amora costume, but need my hair to grow a bit more. The drow costume is done also than next The Blue spirit. YES!!!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

First timer blogger

Hello, I should start our by telling everyone about myself... well I'm a 22 year old woman who enjoys sewing, cooking, baking, reading, and making props and costumes. I am a HUGE Star Wars nerd and currently have over 20 costumes in my collection.  Yes over 20  but not all of them star wars it ranges from power rangers to anime characters. Also I have a large wig collection and it is still growing. I used to wear them out and about all the time but sometimes its just a pain.

I started this blog to keep some kind of a record of my work in progress costumes. I did have a website but that didn't work out so well in the end. I also had a esty and ebay store but found that I was paying more than I was making. So yeah

This week I'm on vacation and to keep myself busy I made a new costume list that I wanted to get started on. Without spending a ton of money on anything, using materials that I already have and what not. On the top of the list I have Drow. Now I've been reading R.A. Salvatore books since middle school and I've been in love with Drizzt ever since! Also the idea of Drow's world is awesome! So years later I finally the time and talents to make this costume come true. I don't have enough photos of the outfit all together YET but I am getting there.

The next is Jedi, now a bit of back ground on this costume. I did have a Jedi outfit and it was aproved by the Rebel Legion (which I am a member of) BUT the car pee'd on it.... and I mean all over it. Into the trash that went and I'm starting from scratch again. So far the robes are all done now I'm working on the belt. I refuse to purchase on from the internet/ebay! 30$+ for some leather and whatnot! NA NA I say!

Again no photos but I need to find my camera!