Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Welcome November

Today is the start of a new month, November can not wait for Thanksgiving and some more snow. The holiday season is coming and this is the time of year that I love working in a market, all the people and all the cheer. Okay maybe not the cheer BUT it does mean that we will be making a ton a money and more hours for the workers. Can not wait for those big pay checks to come in.

Halloween was fun this year, much better then last year. I didn't hand out candy this year though, I did purchase candy. Kept it for myself and J. Whatever we don't have that many children in the area anyway. I did however go to work dressed as Harley Quinn, we were having a costume contest and the grand prize is $10 bucks. Awesome right?

I'm loving' this cold weather wearing my peacoat out and about, love it. Tho on Halloween it did snow which was wicked odd and kinda ruined halloween for some people. But thats okay we still had our little party at a friend's house and I went to my friend's work at a local mall to hand out candy to the little kids... I shouldn't use the term 'little' becuase must of the kids were not little they were teenagers... god awful teenager mall rats. YIKES!

Catwoman (my friend) and I after we run out of $70 worth of candy.
At the small halloween party I worn Enchantress Amora which turned out really well. Don't ask why the BoonDock Saints are shooting me in the head or why I'm shooting them in the head. It was a fun night and I'm glad I bought my camera with me that night.

Kinda wished that I took a full body shot of Amora but I'm sure there will be time later and maybe not outside at 2AM in the morning with no jacket on. It was SO COLD!!

It was a pretty good Halloween and I hope that I won the contest at work.! Fingers Crossed!

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