Thursday, December 27, 2012

Up and Coming New Year

              Wishing everyone's family a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! I've been just awful at keeping up with posting on this blog, but tonight I'm finally going to sit down (while the clothes are in the wash and the dishes are drying in the sink) to fill everyone in on what has been going on this month. So first off, huge news the boyfriend and I are currently shopping around for houses and we have found one that we really, really LOVE! Fingers crossed friends!! The bakery did very well this holiday season even tho we did have a new manager the team held it together and made some money! I also got to go a bit more creative than past years with the cakes and pull apart cupcake platters. All and all it was stressful but fun and we survived (and no one had a heart attack this year!). What costume have I made of late? Well you see...

 The Hobbit was great! Not everything was the way I imagined it to be but then again everyone can't really imagine the somethings all the time. I loved it, I want to see it again and I will be purchasing the DVD and soundtrack because once again it was out of the world. Sadly tho these are the only photos I have and well they are not very detailed so the plan is to have a photo shoot but after the holidays and New Year is over (and not raining maybe snow but not rain). The costume itself came out really well not bad for three weeks of work and all the materials I purchased were on discount and/or on sale. Tho I still need to finish the bow and quiver. Now a bad little costume to end 2012 with. 

This was last year in December we took a family trip to Disney for my older sister's birthday, she went this year too with my mum. The boyfriend and I didn't have enough money in time to go but next year we are! I already started the fund! Figured it was Christmas-y and all. OH! I got new water colors for X-mas and I've been drawing and painting so be sure to check out the art section and the cakes, I don't want to pat myself on the back but the desserts this Christmas at the Family dinner were awesome! Plus I made waay to much!

I still can not believe that its going to be 2013 so soon, in the works of a master list of things that need to get done this year. Now that I think about it with a house being purchased (and its going to need some love and tender care in the beginning) everything is going to be pushed back. Plus I need a set convention list for the year too, to take time off of work. I do believe I get three weeks paid vacation time this year, which is pretty flipping sweet.

 Merry Christmas for Kobie Beef and Angelus
(the only two brave enough to wear the hats)

Sunday, December 9, 2012

The Holidays are coming...

Happy Holidays to everyone! Just encase I don't post again before they all pass, because lets face it I haven't been very good at posting at a normal pace. Hope Thanksgiving was peaceful for everyone. Some interesting things have happened over the past couple of weeks. The bakery has been getting super busy due to the holiday/bread season, yes bread does have its own season thinking about it you eat a bit more bread during the winter than summer (unless you have a gluten allergy). We had some new management and its a whole new learning experience again nothing to huge but still new.
 Right so I did post this photos int he "Cake" section of the blog but I thought it would be nice to see them on the front page. So for holiday cakes we don't really have any guide lines just 'holiday themed.' Plus we had all these plastic pieces, you can see them on this cake to the left, the gingerbread men. Ya, I've made it my personal mission to use all of these plastic toys up so next year we can free hand the decorations. I figured anything with red,white, and green would be great for Christmas. We also have some pretty Hanukkah themed cakes too, not leaving anyone out this season! 
OH! We started played D&D with some friends! Not sure if I posted about that yet, but yes we started a few months ago and meet every Saturday. Or at least we try to. At first it was hard for me to get into character but I do enjoy being drow, as we could tell but the costume *cough* but I've had a great time so far, its like writing a story with five other people and no ones really knows what is going to happen next.My sister and mother where in Disney last week and I was here... working. I didn't have the money to go this year but next year I will! My older sister goes every year for her birthday.
I've been working on my Legolas costume for the Hobbit midnight showing, it still has some work to be done so no photos yet. But I am excited and then we have six months to get some more costumes banged out for Anime Boston 2013! Wicked excited this year just the ladies are going! Super excited!

Monday, November 19, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving!! "gobble gobble don't eat me!" 
Hope everyone has a great start to their holiday season! We just finished the con season with SuperMegaFest (SMF) in Framing-ham, MA and it was awesome! It was great to see everyone before the holidays and madness that happens! This was our first year staying over night there and it was totally worth it! The after con party at the bar was get and boy howdy were we SHOCKED to see twenty plus custom blue/white and gray mandos walk in. The CTG went with mandos this year, I personally would never drink heavily while in kit, can't move really well and I don't really like taking my helmet off.  But we had an amazing time and got some sweet posters and nerdy items. 

We entered the costume contest under group and won third place! We run into the room and cleared the area of enemies it was great! The only down fall was me in front having to hold the damn piece of page or and the waiting around for an hour.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Rhode Island Comic Con

I am not dead, yet. It has been a very busy week and weekend here in Rhode Island. Well for starts lets talk about Sandy the hurricane,  we were fine here in Northern RI we didn't lose power at all thank the gods. But some areas did get hit pretty hard and our hearts go out to them!

I was working at three of our companies bakeries instead of just one. It was hell driving all over the state. I am happy that it is over and we have finally hired a new manager to take over one of the other stores
. We did make a TON of money from the storm, everyone got scared and with good reason.

I am happy that this election is almost over too. Sick and tired of all the politic attacks on T.V., the radio and the internet.

Rhode Island Comic Con was this weekend and it was very exciting! We got to meet the black, green, and blue power rangers! Wicked nice guys! 

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Photo Crazy

I had a drow problem... I love this costume! I can't thank my friends enough for coming out with me yesterday when it was heavy overcast and we all feared it would rain. Thank You so much Alex and Livy! 


Hey there, I love being a drow.

Yes, I hope you can all tell that I love Drow. R.A. Salvatore is one my of favorite writers. I've also read the spider wars, which I think I bounced around with those books. But never the less LOVE LOVE LOVE drow. I'm hoping to do a priestess of Lolth next., fingers crossed people!.

We had so much fun during this shoot, like my made the most CRAZY faces in some photos! Like some DERP DERP faces! I'm not gonna post any of them UNTIL I get five (that is right five) followers.

So if you want to see some really derpy photos of me in my drow, follow my blog and then get four of your friends to too. (?)

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Yo ho Yo ho

So as much as I love my drow costume it does take a bit of time to put on and get out of, so I decided to make a pirate costume. Well I guess pirate/thief costume now I didn't want anything to normal, you know with the hat, vest and hook. Hook? Peg leg too! Haha! 

Plus this whole idea popped into my head when some friend's and I were at a local flea market, some jewelery venders had some awesome pieces. Nothing that I'd wear in everyday life but total costume pieces! Love it!

LOVE this neckalce!

 I didn't want just plan hair and face so I thought I'd spice things up with a red wig and some tribal face paint!

I know I know... total myspace photo.

Scared look. Don't know why I took this photo.
Yes everything started with that necklace and I hope to go back to that wonderful vender for more pieces! Everything I had for this costume was in my closet already, minus the necklace.

Still playing around with the outfit but I figure its not gonna be more than this.

Ideas! So many ideas!!

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Connecticut Renaissance Faire

Yesterday we, merry band of men went to the Connecticut Renaissance Faire in Herbon, CT. I've come to find out that there are only two renaissance around this area are CT fair and King Richards Fair. Sadly enough KRF closed today due to the rain. Now usually I wouldn't mind that it closed because of the rain, the jousting fields flooded.  I understand that there are safe reasons and what not. But I took time off of work, people were posting on the facebook page, some coming from Maine, some already there and being turned away. Plus the website says " rain or shine". NO hard feelings but I really really wanted to go this weekend. 

But what I wanted to get at the comparing the two fairs side by side. I really enjoyed that CTRF had coupons for the entire fee, buy one get one. Awesome, plus the admission was only $16 per person. That is a bargain! Costumed characters were there at the entrance greeting people as the walked by, the whole fair was set up at this cute little farm! Well I suppose I shouldn't say "little" is was a medium sized farm but it was amazing! Everyone was super nice and totally in character. We had our friend Russ, wearing his custom Mandalorian armor with us he was Mr. Popular the whole day! Great! The food was yummy and cheap, bonus points for having more than four choices too. We got there kinda late in the day around 2:30ish in the afternoon, there were some little rain showers but nothing to serious! They were opened today too and it was raining pretty hard this morning. All and all the yesterday was great! OH I almost forgot to talk about the vendors, sweet swords and daggers! And probably the best prices I've seen at the renaissance faire! Better than anything I've found online! Another bonus really nice vendors... well all but one. There was a booth set up for con-goers to have their photos taken with hawks and other prey birds. We walked over, one of our friends wanted a photo with the golden eagle they had, the woman tending to the booth just sat there playing on her phone, told us no one get to take photos with the eagle. I cracked a joke about it picking one of friend's up and flying away. (It was HUGE) She than continued to ignore us until we walked away. I think that was the only down fall, that and the drive up there. OH and I purchased some purple-ish bracers. Sweet deal! KRF lost some major points with the rain out and the $27 entrance fee, and the food tickets. Everyone that we spoke to at KRF was nice, but no one went out of their way to talk to us. The venders at KRF were wonderful buuut the prices are wicked high, you can find similar items on eBay (and other websites) for less.

So to wrap up my little speech I like CTRF better, but because KRF is so close I probably will go again before the season ends. Running about with my drow is to much fun! Plus I've got some new items to show off! Who knows we might go back to CTRF too! 

Sunday, September 16, 2012

King Richard's Faire

I've been wanting to go to this Faire FOREVER! I've lived in New England all my life and I've never been, well yesterday I went. It was awesome and I got to show off my Drow costumes.

Needless to say I loved it! I will be going again soon!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Cold weather = Baking

Yesterday was an extremely cold day for the beginning of September, Labor Day. So after I was done at the bakery I went home took a short nap and started baking. All the windows in the apartment were opened and you could smell fall around the corner. I copied a few recipes from one of my mother's thousands of cook books on Sunday. I made Frosted Banana Bars and Apple squares. 
Cream cheese frosting / banana bar
Local apples from the market
Everything had out so delicious! Breakfast in the morning is gonna be GREAT!

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Summer wasted

No, my summer hasn't been wasted it has been a great summer. Minus the whole not going to C6 or Dragon Con this year. I've been wanting to go to DCon for the longest time now and I feel that every time I get some money saved up it always goes into another fund. Alas I still have King Richard's Farie coming up next month and I AM SO EXCITED! I can finally wear my drow costume out and about! 

I still don't have any photos of Astrid, I know, I know. 

Art trips are over now that the summer has come to an end. Everyone is back in school and/or has work. Tho our last trip was to the Harvard Museum of Natural History and the Peabody Museum.

It was a really cool day but the parking was awful! There was no where to park over an hour of driving around and around looking for somewhere are wasn't PERMIT ONLY parking. OH how annoying it was!! But thank god a spot opened up for two hour  parking right in front of the museum!