Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Lovers Wreck

Happy April everyone! Sorry I have not been posting on a normal rate, my bad I've been busy with work and my sister's wedding (all the planning) and what nots. But  I have been working on a new costume and its not for me (no I'm not doing commissions) working on an Edward Kenway for my boyfriend. During Anime Boston I saw a few Kenways but I didn't take any photos with them, I don't think any of them realized who I was at the time (you know passing someone in costume in the hallway or in the mall during a convention, sometimes it takes you a minute to remember how you know that outfit).

I am aiming to have Kenway done by the end of May, I really really want to have a photo shoot at the beach. That would be amazing!

Sorry I am just now seeing that the photos are wicked blurry, blah! >_< OH well I'll update once the vest is all done, BUT i am in love with the fabric, buttons and the way its coming out! I have never been this excited to make someone else a costume!

The top photo is from my Sakura Haruno costume that I worn at Anime Boston the other weekend. Those scrolls are my favorite part of the whole costume. I am so proud of the way they came out, I'm planning on selling them on ebay so that I can make more. Ohh the symbol meanings "Doctor" I could for the life of me find a healing scroll in the Manga to base them off of .

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