Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Ain't no other man but you!

Right so I'm not up to date with Naruto, I stopped when Sakura and Obito saved Sasuke from the desert plane. Thanks to social media I have a rough idea of what is going on currently, sometimes I really dislike fandoms or maybe it is just people in general. ANYWAY we all saw those two cover arts that showed team seven in a different universe?! Right? Awesome! Love it!

Fact I loved it to the point I started making Sakura's dwarf/berserker costume. Yes, you did just read that correctly.

So here is the picture I'm going off of.
I got this off tumblr it is no way mine. But as I stated above I AM IN LOVE with this costume. I even plan on making the HUGE axe.
Blurry photo sorry. also no sleeves yet! WIP

EVA foam is kind of amazing

derp face! with a messed up wig!

re-painted the skull cap ALSO EVA foam and model magic!
On a side note I have not spend a dime on material so far. I had all this stuff just waiting for me, it is the best feeling in the world when I can just look around my sewing room and have everything I'd need. AMAZING!


Trying my make a new Ton-ton for sakura


Wednesday, August 20, 2014


I did a thing.

I don;t know what I made them for buuut Halloween is coming! ^___^ I'm not happy with the headband showing is much... probably gonna make another pair with some hair clips attached instead. oooh the ideas!!

Sunday, August 10, 2014


take the ship?

See? she does smile

Keep staring, Kenway

Shut your gob and kiss me

Assassin's take selfies

Oooh, ahoy Arno!

Shut it you, loot!

Pirate selfie and ODST selfie
Enjoy, Kiddway fandom! There will be more photos this fall! JUST YOU WAIT!

Boston Comic Con or Line Con 2014

Okay so yesterday was Boston Comic Con, now I haven't been to this con in about two years, it just wasn't something that I'd spend the whole weekend up in Boston for. But this we thought it would be nice to go just for one day, Saturday. I know that Saturdays are always the busiest day and now looking back on it we probably should have known better to pre-reg. 

So here is my story... well our story. My friends and I got Boston Comic Con at about 11am, we figured that was a good time to arrive and no none of us pre-reg'ed. The line we should just for people who pre-reg'ed was the whole length of the building and wrapped around the back end. So you can imagine our faces, "like what the fuck!?" we keep walking until we find a staff member outside right in front of the con and they tell us the line to buy tickets is on the left side of the building along the main street, okay its pretty long but it was moving fast. We were in line for about 30-45minutes and near the convention entrance when I man who wasn't wearing a "Boston Comic Con staff" shirt, he was wearing a uniform from the convention center itself (just to clear the little note up) told us that the line to buy tickets was down the left SIDE of the building.. Okay. Now we saw a line down at the very end of the this ally. (The line that we were seeing was the end of the Pre-reg line, but none of us knew that at the time) So like good, trusting people we listened to the man and when the line STOPPED moving all together people started getting mad. Another 45mintures to an hour goes by and THEN the staff was notified and people were sent to clear up the problem, but that didn't stop people from getting even more angry. 

So after nearly three hours of wait, a senior member of the Staff comes out and tells us that there is a good chance none of us are going to get in. Pre-reg people come first because they already paid. (which I agree with but there should be a limit of people who can, so that you have tickets to sell at the door). Some people left, disappointed and can you blame them? I felt awful for all the children that were waiting with their parents. 

We stayed, we baked in the sun, we made friends with the people around us, we took photos and had photos taken of us. Played music, anything to make the time go by. About a block away, a random stranger, a wonderful man who made my day tapped me on the shoulder and handed me his day pass wrist band. I thanked him so much! So I left my friends in line and went to scout out this con and see if all our waiting was wealth it in the end.  

No, it wasn't. I didn't make it passed the dealers room and I didn't even see a third of it because of all the people. crowded, hot and way to noisy and Heaven help you if someone did want a photo of you, there was no where to take a picture. You just has to stand still and hope no one was photo bombing. I didn't last long about 35 minutes and I was done. After waiting all day and then waiting again inside. No thank you. 

I went back to my friends told them, took the wrist off gave to one of them for him to decided what we were going to do. We ended up leaving the line, grabbing some lunch and beer (Which was needed!!) and had our photo shoot outside the con. 

Lesson learned. Always pre-reg because they have to let you in. 

Lets hope Rhode Island Comic Con is better!

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Friday, August 1, 2014


I can not believe it is August already, where did the time go? Flying by. Okay so some updates people! So I thought Boston Comic Con was this weekend...like tomorrow.. but its not.. I gave myself a heart attack. I mean the costumes are just about done but I want to go over them with a fine tooth comb, especially Kenway. I'm more nervous about my boyfriend not liking it.... even though he has told me time and time again that he loves it. I'm gonna add the blow-dart to his costume (today's project)

I also thought it would be a good idea to re-make my James Kidd jacket, I'll be dressed as Mary for Saturday at BCC on the 9th. I am super happy that it only took me two days on the jacket, it is SO much better then the first one. PLUS I re-made the red vest and painted the gold stitching on. The original vest so complete not canon, I kinda just made it up and no one said anything.

Also excited for the chest tattoo... I really need to practice that and find away to seal it, so rubbing won't be an issue.

Pictures or it didn't happen!


so much lighter
Title: Switch
Song : Switch - Jazmine Sullivan - Fearless