I can not believe it is August already, where did the time go? Flying by. Okay so some updates people! So I thought Boston Comic Con was this weekend...like tomorrow.. but its not.. I gave myself a heart attack. I mean the costumes are just about done but I want to go over them with a fine tooth comb, especially Kenway. I'm more nervous about my boyfriend not liking it.... even though he has told me time and time again that he loves it. I'm gonna add the blow-dart to his costume (today's project)
I also thought it would be a good idea to re-make my James Kidd jacket, I'll be dressed as Mary for Saturday at BCC on the 9th. I am super happy that it only took me two days on the jacket, it is SO much better then the first one. PLUS I re-made the red vest and painted the gold stitching on. The original vest so complete not canon, I kinda just made it up and no one said anything.
Also excited for the chest tattoo... I really need to practice that and find away to seal it, so rubbing won't be an issue.
Pictures or it didn't happen!
so much lighter |
Title: Switch
Song : Switch - Jazmine Sullivan - Fearless