My father past away yesterday. We had Sunday dinner with my parents, aunt, uncle, my brother and his girlfriend. Every Sunday we have family dinner but this time we were celebrating my bothers 28th birthday. It was fun, my dad has some health problems and get dizzy when he sits up for all short periods of time, so when he is at family dinner its not for a long time, but we do all hang out in the living room and watch bad TV or play card games. Sunday night was like any other Sunday night. The boyfriend and I went out with a couple of friends that night to get drinks, got home around midnight.
I woke up to a call from my sister at 2:43am. She sounded panicked and her voice was wet as she told me that I didn't to get to the hospital now something had happened to dad. And the first thing that runs through my head is that I have to work this morning, unfortunately I said it out loud and my sister yelled at me and said just call out. So I send my boss a text message, explaining myself and that I would call back later with more information.
We get to the hospital, I've never been to one before. I can see a ton of people waiting in the sitting area, its 3 in the morning. My boyfriend tells the woman at the desk who we are looking for because at this point my throat is just closed. The woman takes us through these doors and halls, I felt like I was in a maze, until we get to this hallway and I see my mum standing against a wall crying, my sister is opposite of her hugging her husband sobbing. I hug my mom and asked what is going on? but I don't get a response just the tightest hug ever. The doctor comes and pulls my mum away with paperwork she needed to fill out and I turn to my sister and wrap my arms around her and my brother-in-law and we sob together, at some point my brother and my cousin (he is my brother from another mother) join us from a small room and everyone is hugging.
I've never felt so sick in my life and it came in waves. Nothing felt real yesterday, like a bad dream that your still waiting to wake up from. We stayed at the hospital till 5:55am, we laughed, we cried, and we laughed again. The family went back to my parents home and tried to progress what was going on.
My boyfriend and I finally left around 6:45ish after my mother told us to get some sleep and my sister threatened to kill me if I went into work. So we slept for a few hours and than went back to my parent's house. Friends and family where there, everyone had bought food and sweets. It was a big party, like Christmas eve all over again.
I'm not sure if typing all this out has made me feel any better, but if you asked me to talk about it I probably couldn't, my throat gets all tight when I try and it just turns ugly from there.
My dad is the person who always encouraged me (and everyone) to believe in themselves, that it was okay to be strange and different from the rest. He is my inspiration when I'm drawing, painting, writing and sewing. When it came to costumes, he loved the idea that we put the time and effort into making them. He is a strange old man, but his heart was huge.
My dad always told us that we were the best thing he ever made in this world, and that he didn't even have much to do this that, our mum did most of the work. May the force be with you Dad.
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