Oh and on that note a big happy birthday to my lovely boyfriend. Today we spent his birthday with his family and had a wonderful time in South Hadley Massachusetts it was a good time I can't wait to see them all again.
Hello and thank you for stopping by and checking out the blog! These are the recorded thoughts and adventures of an novice costumer/prop maker and pastry chef. Get ready to see some random stuff from everyday life to all the conventions I go to with friends! Enjoys
Saturday, July 25, 2015
happy thoughts
Hey everyone sorry I haven't posted in a while. I was planning on doing all these costs too many things over my vacation but never really got the chance to do them haha. It seems a bit off a little more that I could chew but I do plan on doing another photo shoot with my crew warden sometime this week and I hope the weather holds up though we are expected to have some thunderstorms and heavy rain showers over the next couple days. So fingers crossed. I need a new shield and I have a sword but I know I've said before that I wanted to make a foam sword or something that was more con friendly than just Real Steel. I did buy the thin foam core from the dollar store and I was playing around with that to make a sword didn't turn out the way I expected it to so I might have to watch a few more tutorials on that. I did however start another costume even though I still have I think three more waiting in the wind. I've seen some really cool fan art for Sauron an I was thinking about doing one of those costumes. Which involves some scale mail and we all know how much I love making scale mail for costume. Thank God for soda cans. So on that note I'll leave you with a little taste of some other costume probably more Kiddway.
Oh and on that note a big happy birthday to my lovely boyfriend. Today we spent his birthday with his family and had a wonderful time in South Hadley Massachusetts it was a good time I can't wait to see them all again.
Oh and on that note a big happy birthday to my lovely boyfriend. Today we spent his birthday with his family and had a wonderful time in South Hadley Massachusetts it was a good time I can't wait to see them all again.
Monday, July 13, 2015
Good for ya

Right so anyone that knows me, knows that I have this deep of everything Sakura Haruno, it took my awhile to fall in the love with this character but I did. One of my BIGGEST things when it comes to costuming/cosplay is deciding on what character to do. I got to experience Sakura growing up while I myself was growing up and found that we had some common ground. Reading through Naruto always puts me off a bit just because, as much as I like the story I do feel like Sakura's character was wasted. And in a way I guess I understand why she doesn't play as much as a role but to end the series with her being a housewife... *sigh* guess beggars can't be choosers. Any who I'll rant about that later.
We did a photo shoot this morning and I'm happy with what we did. I made this costume months ago and I never got around to taking any good full body photos.
Thank you again to Alex and Lauren for being awesome! Thank you thank you!
Saturday, July 11, 2015
Almost There
Grey Warden test photos! Please do not mind my derp face I could not stop smiling. ^_^ Wicked happy with the way this turned out, still need to fix the neck bit on the jacket but other than that it is done. I do plan making some con safe sword and shield. I wanted to make them out of wood but now that I'm thinking about it my arm may get super tired walking about the con all day holding them. Maybe if I make some kind of harness and have them on my back, like in the game, that would be cool.
I do plan on taking proper photos somewhere, sometime this week, i am on vacation and I want to do a TON of costuming stuff. Plus some house work too. But mostly costuming crap.
So stay tuned for some WIP and updates! ^___^ Yay for summertime and vacations!!!
Me Mele No lilo
Okay people this is the next really big build I want to do. My ElderScrolls Online Character, Greykiira . I am pretty excited about this and really want my boyfriend to make his character too. (No I don't ship them, he is a strange lizard man to much drama with the lore) I've got to work with big pieces of foam on this one so expect lots of WIP photos and tutorials plus what nots.
I think the makeup and wig are the easy parts because, well I have like three white wigs and I've done dark elf makeup before. I can not wait to make the long sword. AH! It is going to be awesome!
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