Hello there everyone! So my vacation is over and I did get most of what I wanted to do done, but not all (not wonder woman, yeah know?) Kinda glad to be back at work, near the end of the week I was getting a bit bored of being home all day long. Right? who wants to go back to work? Well this girl. hahaha.
summer cupcakes |
Right so there other night my sister asked me to join her for a paint the pint night, now I've heard of this things but I've never gone to one (also the paint and wine thing with the canvas). Yeah so I had no idea what we were going to be doing and it turned out to be kinda fun. Well I mean more of the it was my sister and I drinking and being total dorks at the bar (making friends with the bartenders). There was not direction when it came to the painting of the glass, just whatever you what to do. Which is awful when one: you have to many ideas because your an artist and two: for people who have never drawn before in their lives. So that was my issue with that but it was a much needed sister time.
My hair cut has been a huge success which is a great ego boost! Oh and the I didn't know if anyone of you have picked up on it or not buuut I choose all my titles of posts from the songs I am listening to currently. Right now I have on something from YouTube - Attack on Titan Original soundtrack and non of the tracks from titles BUT I am also drinking coffee, so there yeah go. Enjoy that.
I couldn't be prouder of my big brother! He graduated last Sunday from URI and it was awesome! So happy, we also got to hang out with his awesome girlfriend! (She is so pretty, I really don't know what she sees in that goofy bird <3).