Tuesday, August 29, 2017


Hey everyone sorry for again not posting anything I've kind of been leading away from this blog and focusing more on my social media Outlets. If you guys don't already follow me on Instagram it's childofthemirkwood . I have a cosplay Amino to which again is child of the mirkwood I'll post links all the bottom of this page. But I've been kind of forgetting to come back here and post along with all my other posts so I do apologize. Doesn't seem like anyone's really waiting for me to post something here so if you are sorry

I did finish Hawke from Dragon Age and I will update the costume list with photos. I've started another costume also from Dragon Age. I think you guys are getting the hinge that I really like Dragon Age. I enjoy a lot of the characters and the costume design is really well done.

On a personal note my new job is going very well it's long hours and hard work but it's definitely worth it and I'm in a better place than I ever was.

So check out any of my social media I think I post their most about Which con I'm going to next and what I'll be wearing.

I'm on Instagram as @childofthemirkwood. Install the app to follow my photos and videos. https://instagram.com/download/?r=1516048683


Facebook @childofthemirkwood cosplay

Monday, July 17, 2017

Hey everyone so again sorry for no updates. A lot of thing going on since May and I've been super busy with interviews and kind of getting my life back on track. I did take the whole summer off from working that doesn't include costumes have been working on costumes. Just trying to get things organized.

I did start a Etsy page you can find it under Mirkwoodwares.


I also started a patreon page. Under child of the mirkwood


And I have links to all my other social media so if you don't follow me there go ahead and click to the right and you can find more.

Thursday, May 25, 2017

A new beginning

                   I have had this blog for a few years now and it went from being my personal blog to my hobby/portfolio for work. If I were to go back and read some of the older posts about my 'job' it will most likely not be good. The one good thing I can say is that my fellow coworkers are the ones I will miss, I had been working for this company for just shy of ten years. People have come and gone but I've ended up many friends for life through this company.  If you haven't picked up on it yet, I have quit.
            I quit for many reasons and it is a great thing that I can close this chapter in my life but still there is that cold, bone crushing fear of what now? 
            Keeping my head up high and brush the dust off my resume. I am very thankful for my husband, family and friends. They understand why this was needed and why I feel the conflicted emotions that I have. I do believe one friend put it best "its like getting out of an abusive relationship, you think you've done something wrong when in reality you've done the best thing in your life."
           She is right. Its been not even a week and I feel better. Still nervous on the idea I do not have income coming in right now. BUT that is why the job hunt is so important.
          This as been a long time coming. Finally.

       On a lighter note the support I've been getting is hard to must into words. And not just from friends and family but coworkers (ex coworkers now) even people who have left the company years ago are finding out and are so happy for me.

      I am happy that I got the opportunity to learn, I'd tell my girls all the time, "Its not a mistake IF you learn something from it."  I feel that I have learned a lot.

   So I promise there will be cake updates and costume updates too!

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Send help

So already gone back on my word about posting a lot. I have not posted all last month and its February 2nd. It's funny because I plan on doing the post and updating some of the costumes and then I forget or I start another project and I just don't remember to go back to the blog.

It's been a rough month, I have been having a hard time at work of late and I'm kind of at the point where something has to change. Whether it's me or I move on to something different. I've been getting so much anxiety by just pulling into the parking lot never mind walking through the doors. It's not good for me and certainly not good for everyone else. Tho I think I have come to terms with the fact that I'm probably the week manager, and I'm not sure if I can fix that.

So I have been talking to some friends about future endeavors and everyone seems to be pretty excited so I'm going to put my best foot forward and start slash keep planning those endeavors

When it comes down to it I can't really change how people at work think of me and I don't think I'm going to try. Whether it's good or bad I'm going to let it lie. Maybe withdraw myself from certain people that I think are the problems.

Well there's my many rent for the month I'm going to post again and updates in costume and stuff and Anime Boston plans but there's my emotional rant

Sunday, January 1, 2017

Happy new year

 Happy New Year. It comes in at a time that I will get back on this blog and realize that I have ignored it for a good portion of this year. And my goal was to always post more than the previous year and I pretty much flopped to that.

So hopefully in this coming month I'm going to post more about just about anything from costumes to be going to my life. So it should be fun

Thanks for watching thanks for looking and hopefully this new year will bring great things for all of us.