Happy Holidays to everyone! Just encase I don't post again before they all pass, because lets face it I haven't been very good at posting at a normal pace. Hope Thanksgiving was peaceful for everyone. Some interesting things have happened over the past couple of weeks. The bakery has been getting super busy due to the holiday/bread season, yes bread does have its own season thinking about it you eat a bit more bread during the winter than summer (unless you have a gluten allergy). We had some new management and its a whole new learning experience again nothing to huge but still new.
OH! We started played D&D with some friends! Not sure if I posted about that yet, but yes we started a few months ago and meet every Saturday. Or at least we try to. At first it was hard for me to get into character but I do enjoy being drow, as we could tell but the costume *cough* but I've had a great time so far, its like writing a story with five other people and no ones really knows what is going to happen next.My sister and mother where in Disney last week and I was here... working. I didn't have the money to go this year but next year I will! My older sister goes every year for her birthday.
I've been working on my Legolas costume for the Hobbit midnight showing, it still has some work to be done so no photos yet. But I am excited and then we have six months to get some more costumes banged out for Anime Boston 2013! Wicked excited this year just the ladies are going! Super excited!
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