So already gone back on my word about posting a lot. I have not posted all last month and its February 2nd. It's funny because I plan on doing the post and updating some of the costumes and then I forget or I start another project and I just don't remember to go back to the blog.
It's been a rough month, I have been having a hard time at work of late and I'm kind of at the point where something has to change. Whether it's me or I move on to something different. I've been getting so much anxiety by just pulling into the parking lot never mind walking through the doors. It's not good for me and certainly not good for everyone else. Tho I think I have come to terms with the fact that I'm probably the week manager, and I'm not sure if I can fix that.
So I have been talking to some friends about future endeavors and everyone seems to be pretty excited so I'm going to put my best foot forward and start slash keep planning those endeavors
When it comes down to it I can't really change how people at work think of me and I don't think I'm going to try. Whether it's good or bad I'm going to let it lie. Maybe withdraw myself from certain people that I think are the problems.
Well there's my many rent for the month I'm going to post again and updates in costume and stuff and Anime Boston plans but there's my emotional rant