Monday, March 30, 2015


Plus some updates and pretty pictures of the scale armor for the Grey Warden


Also Anime Boston is this weekend so get ready for all those photos! 

My body is ready! Lets do this! 

Friday, March 27, 2015

Grey Warden WIP 2 + cake

This is how I made the scales

It takes a ton of time but it is worth it if you are short on cash, there has to been some of your friends who go through just so much or more Mountain Dew like me. It is my blood. No serious. I've used 14 cans right now and the front part is just about finished.

Instead of being an adult and doing my house work I did this on my day off, it was raining pretty hard outside too. But I start on my back side today, I want to get all the scales sewn down before I start hemming and sewing anything, this is going to take the longest... so I might as well not put it off any longer then I have. PLUS I have a friend who wants to do a DAO cosplay group which I am wicked excited for! LOVE group costumes! So much fun!

Also the Bollywood cake I did this morning as a special order! Awesome!

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Grey Warden WIP

So i started this costumes months ago but I didn't want to spent a ton of money on it, I found a tutoiral on how to make the scales out of soda cans so that is the cheapest way I could find to do this. It does take a bit of time but I am saving money and that is all the matters to me. I am wicked excited at how good it looks and how fast I sewn all those scales down. that one line is about seven cans and that is after I messed up on the sizing of the scales.

The top piece is just cardboard and craft foam, the griffin is made out of scuply.

Food Spam

Roger Williams

Friday, March 13, 2015

Good Thing

Another test run with the makeup... I'm not happy with the wig and how isn't sitting...doesn't look like an under  cut.. hmmmm