Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Been together for awhile now

Anime Boston 2014

All the photos are from my friend, Livy (<3) we all used her camera through out the weekend (because it is really really nice). The whole weekend was amazing and I only regret not going to the Assassin's creed photo meet up or the Naruto meet up either. :( ahh I'm so antisocial when I'm at cons. So not taking as many photos of Sakura, because she is amazing!! <3 Enjoy
These two were amazing!

If anyone knows this man, tell him I think he is handsome.

I wanted so bad to get a photo with them as Sakura! :( never did.
The Stig!

Who doesn't love a man in Spartan armor?
Vash, Peace and Love!

This guy had to prefect 3D gear! It looked frickin' fantastic! Super impressed!
James kidd and The Tiny Assassin
Yuna has a new guardian, James "motherfuckin'"Kidd
Watchin' my Yuner pose for photos

Master and Student

Friends that act like idoits together stay together! <3 lmao

Monday, March 17, 2014

Come on Go with me

Hey eveyone! So sorry that I havn't been posting anything in the longest time! Real life yeah know? It chases up to you buuuut the good news is that I am on vacation all this week!! Excited! plus Anime Boston is this weekend!! YAAYAYY!!

So I got my new Sakura wig in ^ ^ ^ those are just two of the hundreds of pictures I took. (yes I have a problem, I'm okay with it) Its from Arda Wigs and I love everything about it! <3

 Also this is for all those Sakura haters out there. Yeah I was practicing some fake bruises and cuts, so I thought I should make this a character shoot. And yes, I do have my chest blinding on, figured I keep it kinda in character to have the ace bandage bra going on. hahaha!
Yeah I had some fun with it. Thank god no one is home, I don't think I'll post these on tumblr maybe deviantART. lol

Also for those of you who don't follow my on Tumblr I cut off ten inches of my hair the other day!!