Right so for little over a year now some friends and I have been playing D&D. Now I've never played before meeting them so thankfully everyone has been teaching me and being VERY patient with me while I get the hang of the game. I've always wanted to learn how to play and now I finally have, I've also started drawing more when we first started to play. The character's back stories are always what gets me, I love my characters and get emotion attached to them. I've draw countless pictures, written hundred short stories but nothing really prepares you for when your character dies while playing.
Now Ritan us my very first D&D character and when she was killed by three flaming arrows to the chest..... pinning her body to the wheel of her airship...I was....w-well I wasn't okay.
BUT thanks to her companions they paid a very large amount of gold to bring her back.

Now on to our current game....the lovely Kendra. This game is taking place in the realm of DragonAge which I've never played before but I've been told by a number of people that I would like it. I was abit weary on playing a human... I really have no interest in humans but then I started coming up with her back story and I fell in love with this character. Abandoned as a child, street rat turned Rouge/pirate/smuggler, the love of man who would do anything to keep her safe and their year old baby boy. I was getting the final touches done on her story when.....w-when she contracted the taint from fighting the Darkspawn... become a Grey Warden or die an awful death. Knowing that she'd want to live no matter the cost to be with her family once again, I had her agree to the joining. ... I rolled poorly and Kendra died....I was depressed for two days. My coworkers were getting worried (har har). I ended up writing a short story on how Noah (the father of her son) discovers that she has been killed. I think it helped me get some closure on her untimely death.

This is Eden. She is the new character I rolled the night Kendra died. I havn't come up with a detailed back story for her yet.
I'm kinda scared that how attached I get to my characters...